About the Cottage

Having lived in Richmond Town for more than 35 years, we were familiar with the area. One weekend in 1999, we fell across the property located at 2 Clapham Street, originally built in 1915. An old English bungalow, run down by time. Time had stood still, and nothing seemed to have been touched since the last occupants had left more than a decade prior. The missing roof or the trees growing through the walls did not deter us from falling in love with the place. The previous owner of the house is fondly remembered in Richmond Town as she used to organize the flower decor for weddings. All her orchids and other flowers used to grow on site. 

We were not sure about what to do with the gorgeous property, and not sure what parts of the place were still strong enough to stay upright. Thankfully the one-meter-thick clay walls are solid, and we kept the base of the property intact.

Over a few years, we restored the building ourselves with great passion and opened our doors to visitors from all over the world. Modifications were made, but we did our best to keep the charm of the place alive. The trees that we found on site still stand and provide us with wonderful avocados every year. Come in season (June, July) and we will offer you some.

Today we run the Casa Cottage with great pride, travelling with and through the eyes of the guests we meet. We have stories to share, adventures to be told and ideas to exchange with each and every guest.

March 2025